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Future Campus In Shaa Allah
Image 4-18-21 at 2.02 PM.jpg

Donate Generously for this Sadaqah Jaarya Project!

In shaa Allah the New Campus will provide:

  • A Full Size Gym / Cafetorium 

  • A Media Center / Library

  • Dedicated Quran Studies & Hifdh Classroom

  • Single Gender Classroom for Boys & Girls

  • Dedicated Prayer Spaces

  • Plenty of Outdoor Play Spaces

  • Large Parking Lots

  • Room for further Expansion




For a more detailed look at our future plans check out this document.

Site plan.png
Financial Update 

Updated 02/10/2022 


Alhamdulilah, by Allah's Mercy and your support Shajara Tayyiba has paid off the last and final installment payment on the Ford Road land. ST now owns that property outright Alhamdulilah without the use of a bank. May Allah swt accept all the efforts of all the people who helped secure this property and may Allah swt put barakah in this project. Ameen. It is a big accomplishment!


The ST Board has decided to sell this vacant land at a profit and purchase an existing building. There are many reasons behind this decision including: 


1. The need for a new building is urgent. ST had the highest number of students this year and there are waitlists. Construction on the land would take a number of years. This way we can move into a larger space sooner in sha Allah. 

2. The land will be sold at a profit in shaa Allah. It is appraised for $1.2 million. Additionally, value of the current building is upward of $600,000.

3. Construction costs have risen due to the pandemic. Original construction estimate: $3.5 million. Current construction estimate: $5 million. 

4. Constraints by Canton Township. Requirement of creating a middle turning lane (additional $500,000 - $1,000,000) and obtaining Special Lane Use approval. 

5. To take advantage of many empty buildings that are coming on the market due to the Pandemic. 

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